Terms and Conditions

National Health Insurance Company (“Daman”) is pleased to provide you, an individual customer of certain Daman services and/or policies (“you”) with the products, services, content, tools, and information on Daman’s website (“Daman Site”) and the provision of internet-based management of your Daman health insurance policies (each a “Policy”) through the provision of a personalized account “My Daman”). Your use of the Daman Site and your My Daman account is subject to the following terms of use (“Terms”).

These Terms are a binding contract between you and Daman. By using or accessing the Daman Site, you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms. Your use of the Daman Site is governed by the version of the Terms in effect on the date the Daman Site is accessed by you. Daman may at any time and in its sole discretion vary the Terms for security, legal or regulatory reasons, or to reflect updates or changes to the services or functionality of the Daman Site, by publishing the varied Terms on the Daman Site. Daman will indicate on the Daman Site that these Terms have changed. You accept that by doing this, Daman has provided you with sufficient notice of the variation. However, Daman is under no obligation to specifically contact or notify you of any variation to these Terms. By using the Daman Site after any variation, you have indicated your acceptance of the new Terms. 

Attempt Block Recovery

National Health Insurance Company (“Daman”) is pleased to provide you, an individual customer of certain Daman services and/or policies (“you”) with the products, services, content, tools, and information on Daman’s website (“Daman Site”) and the provision of internet-based management of your Daman health insurance policies (each a “Policy”) through the provision of a personalized account “My Daman”). Your use of the Daman Site and your My Daman account is subject to the following terms of use (“Terms”).

These Terms are a binding contract between you and Daman. By using or accessing the Daman Site, you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms. Your use of the Daman Site is governed by the version of the Terms in effect on the date the Daman Site is accessed by you. Daman may at any time and in its sole discretion vary the Terms for security, legal or regulatory reasons, or to reflect updates or changes to the services or functionality of the Daman Site, by publishing the varied Terms on the Daman Site. Daman will indicate on the Daman Site that these Terms have changed. You accept that by doing this, Daman has provided you with sufficient notice of the variation. However, Daman is under no obligation to specifically contact or notify you of any variation to these Terms. By using the Daman Site after any variation, you have indicated your acceptance of the new Terms. 

Use of Daman Sites

The Daman Site contains both information of a general nature about Daman and Daman’s products and services and enables you to access your My Daman account, renew certain Daman Policies and also upgrade some of your current Policies to an enhanced plan (“Plan Upgrade”). The Daman Site is intended only for your personal, non-commercial use, unless you and Daman have agreed otherwise in writing. 


The information contained in the Daman Site is necessarily generalised.  The insurance cover described is in summary form only and is subject to the terms of the policy wording and schedules.  You are advised to read the policy wording and schedules.  While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of the information contained in the Daman Site, no liability is accepted by Daman for any errors.  Daman will endeavour to ensure that the Daman Site is available to you when you need it and is free from viruses and unauthorised access.  Daman cannot and does not accept responsibility for any consequences if this is not the case. If you use the Daman Site inappropriately or maliciously you agree that you will indemnify Daman against any losses suffered by Daman as a result of or in connection with your actions.

Information for Foreign Visitors

The Daman Site is intended to be made available only to persons residing in the United Arab Emirates, and the information on the Daman Site is only applicable to such persons. 

No Investment Recommendations or Professional Advice

The Daman Site is not intended to provide tax, legal, insurance or investment advice, and nothing on the Daman Site should be construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation or an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any security by Daman or any third party. Unless otherwise specified, you alone are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, renewal, upgrade or any other product or service, is appropriate or suitable for you based on your objectives and personal and financial situation. You should consult a legal or tax professional regarding your specific legal or tax situation. 

Third Party Content and Sites

The Daman Site may contain links to websites which are owned or operated by third parties independent of Daman (“Third Party Websites”) or material (including services, information, graphics, or data) which is located on such Third Party Websites (“Third Party Material”). Daman does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, completeness or usefulness of any Third Party Website or Third Party Material, and is not responsible or liable for the same. Your use of Third Party Websites and Third Party Material is entirely at your own risk.

The Daman Site may contain or link to information about special offers, deals or promotions by persons not related to or part of Daman (“Third Party Offers”). The inclusion of any Third Party Offer on the Daman Site does not imply any sponsorship, endorsement, or approval of any Third Party Offers, or Third Party Material associated with these offers.

Subject to any applicable law which cannot be excluded, Daman makes no warranties or representations:

Regarding the quality, accuracy, merchantability or fitness for purpose of Third-Party Material, or products or services available through Third Party Websites; or that Third Party Material does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any person. Daman is not authorising the reproduction of Third Party Material by providing links on the Daman Site to Third Party Material.

Timeliness of Contents

Daman will use its best efforts to ensure that the content on the Daman Site is correct as of the date published or indicated, although this content may be superseded by any change in circumstances or for other reasons. In addition, you are responsible for setting the cache settings on your browser to ensure you are receiving the most recent data. 

Prohibited Uses

Because all servers have limited capacity and are used by many people, you must not use the Daman Site in any manner that could damage or overburden any Daman server, or any network connected to any Daman server. You must not use the Daman Site in any manner that would interfere with any other party’s use of the Daman Site. 

Means of Access

The Daman Site is generally intended to be viewed by a conventional web browser with a screen resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels or greater. Although you may use other means to access the Daman Site, be aware that the Daman Site may not appear accurately through other access methods, and you use the Daman Site only at your own risk.

You should not access the Daman Site through devices or services that are designed to provide high-speed, automated, repeated access, unless such devices are approved or made available by Daman.

Certain parts of the Daman Site are protected by passwords or require a login. You must not obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access to such parts of the Daman Site, or to any other protected materials or information, through any means not intentionally made available by Daman for your specific use. 

Eligibility and Registration

In order to make use of certain parts of the Daman Site, you will need to register a My Daman Account. In order to register a My Daman account, you must: (a) satisfy the minimum age requirement of [21] (measured according to the Gregorian calendar); (b) provide Daman with complete and accurate registration information; (c) ensure your use of the Daman Site is in accordance with these Terms and any applicable laws; and (d) select a username and password.

By registering a My Daman account with Daman, you warrant that: (a) you meet the minimum age requirement; (b) you have given complete and accurate registration information and will keep that information updated; and (c) your use of the Daman Site does not violate these Terms or breach any applicable laws. You may cancel your My Daman account at any time by notifying Daman. Daman may terminate your My Daman account for any or no reason, at any time, with or without notice and without liability.

In order to use the Daman Site and your My Daman account, you will require access to the world-wide web. You are responsible for any connection, service and other fees associated with such access and for providing all equipment necessary to enable you to connect to the world-wide web (including a computer and modem or other access device).

Password Security and Notification

You are solely responsible for all activities that occur in connection with your password and log-in details in respect of the Daman Site and your My Daman account. Accordingly, you should take steps to protect the confidentiality of your password and log-in details. You must notify Daman immediately if you become aware of any disclosure, loss, theft or unauthorized use of your password or log-in details and/or any other breach of security. 

Daman Product Information and Insurance Upgrade and Renewal
Completing transactions on the Daman sites

When entering into a transaction via the Daman Site, whether it be the opening of a My Daman account, a renewal payment, or a transaction relating to any other product or service, the transaction will not be completed until an “Electronic Instruction” (being any electronic instruction, information, message, request or communication issued or transmitted to Daman via the Daman Site) containing the acceptance from you to Daman’s offer, or the confirmation of payment from you, whichever is applicable, has been received and processed by Daman, and any specific steps or requirements as may be required, have been complied with. Notwithstanding the above, you may also complete a transaction by requesting an electronic copy of your invoice, printing it out and taking it to any Daman branch for payment.

You acknowledge that the transmission of your acceptance or the confirmation of any payment, made through an Electronic Instruction may not be received by Daman in accordance with this clause for reasons beyond either parties’ reasonable control including, but not limited to, mechanical, software, computer, telecommunications, or electronic failure, or the omission or failure of third-party service providers or systems. You further acknowledge that, to the extent permitted by law, Daman is not liable to you in any way for any loss or damage at all and however caused, arising directly or indirectly in connection with the transmission of an Electronic Instruction through the Daman Website, or any failure of Daman to receive an Electronic Instruction for whatever reason.

Method of payment, card types accepted and currency

We accept payments online using Visa and MasterCard credit/debit card in AED.

Upgrade and Renewal Payments

You may make the renewal payment or payment for Plan Upgrades for certain Daman insurance policies over the internet with selected credit cards at the Daman Site. When due, a notice to renew your policy will be sent to you by e-mail/SMS and will be prominently featured on your My Daman page (“Renewal Notice”). To make an online payment for a renewal, follow the Renewal Process from your My Daman page. You will also have the option to upgrade and renew at this stage. When making a payment for a policy renewal via the Daman Site, you will be taken to have renewed that policy only when: The Electronic Instruction containing the policy number, premium amount due and valid credit card details, and an instruction from you to renew the policy, enters and is recorded in the relevant payment database; The payments due have been made in full by clear funds by the due date specified in the Renewal Notice; A record is created and stored in the payment database; A Daman receipt number is generated by the payment system; and the main Daman database is updated with information from the payment database.

The formation of a binding insurance contract is conditional on Daman being able to successfully charge against your nominated credit card and/or Daman receiving payment of all applicable renewal amounts due for the policy (or policies) being renewed (either in a single payment or, where permitted, in instalments). Daman, at its discretion, may or may not issue a paper confirmation of the renewal payment. The existence of a valid payment is not conditional on Daman issuing, or you receiving, a paper confirmation of the transaction.

Refund / Return Policy

Refunds will be done only through the Original Mode of Payment.

Valuation Tools, Calculations, Games and Other Features

The Daman Site may contain or make available various tools, calculation devices, software programmes, games or other features.

Whilst Daman has undertaken reasonable steps to ensure that any such features or information as described above are accurate and free from defect, to the extent permitted by law, Daman does not warrant the availability, accuracy, adequacy, correctness or completeness of these features. These features are provided on an “as is” basis. The monetary figures used by these features in any calculations are estimates only and do not take account of your particular circumstances. 

Daman Standard Terms and Conditions Apply

These Terms are in addition to any other agreements between you and Daman, including any customer or account agreements, and any other agreements that govern your use of the products, services, content, tools, and information available on the Daman Site. You will be bound by all additional terms, as applicable.

All applications for insurance or other products made via the Daman Site are subject to and must comply with Daman’s normal approval criteria and are governed by the normal terms and conditions applying to each product or service requested. 


Daman does not warrant that the Daman Site will meet your needs, or that it will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, error-free or free from viruses. Daman does not warrant that the results obtained from the use of the Daman Site will be accurate or reliable, or that the quality of any products, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by you through the Daman Site will meet your expectations. All terms implied by law, except those that can not be lawfully excluded, are excluded. 

Limitation of Liability

Subject to any responsibilities implied by law and which cannot be excluded, Daman and its directors, employees, agents and contractors, are not liable to you for any losses, damages, liabilities, claims and expenses (including but not limited to legal costs and defense or settlement costs) whatsoever, whether direct, indirect or consequential, arising out of or referable to the content on the Daman Site, Third Party Material, Third Party Offers, third party services, or to access to the Daman Site by you, however caused, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), statute or otherwise.

Daman will not be liable to you or anyone else for any loss resulting from a cause over which Daman does not have direct control. This includes failure of electronic or mechanical equipment or communications lines (including telephone, cable and Internet), unauthorized access, viruses, theft, operator errors, severe or extraordinary weather (including flood, earthquake, or other act of God), fire, war, insurrection, terrorist act, riot, labour dispute or other labour problems, accident, emergency, Royal demise or action of government. 


You indemnify Daman in respect of any liability incurred by Daman for any loss, cost, damage, or expense howsoever caused, or suffered by Daman as a result of your breach of these Terms.

Non-Investment Advice

The Daman Site does not purport to provide you with personal financial or investment advice of any kind. The information available via the Daman Site does not take account of your particular financial or insurance position or requirements. Daman recommends that you seek independent advice before acting upon the content on the Daman Site or Third Party Offers or Third Party Material. 

Availability of the Daman Site

As electronic services are subject to interruption or breakdown, access to the Daman Site is offered on an “as is” and “as available” basis only.

Daman may impose limits or restrictions on the use you may make of the Daman Site. Further, for security, technical, maintenance, legal or regulatory reasons, or due to any breach of these Terms, Daman may withdraw the Daman Site at any time and without notice to you. 

Restrictions on Use of the Daman Site

You agree that you will not (either yourself or through any third party):

Use any robot, spider, screen scraper, data aggregation tool or other automatic device, routine or process (“Automated Process”) to process, monitor, copy or extract any web pages on the Daman Site, or any of the information, content or data contained within or accessible through Daman Site.

Use any Automated Process to aggregate or combine information, content or data contained within or accessible through the Daman Site with information, content or data accessible via or sourced from any third party.

Use any information on or accessed through the Daman Site for any commercial purpose or otherwise (either directly or indirectly) for profit or gain;

Use any Automated Process to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Daman Site or any transaction or process being conducted on or through it;

Take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the infrastructure of or bandwidth connecting to the Daman Site.

Reverse engineer, reverse assemble, decompile, or otherwise attempt to discover source code or other arithmetical formula or processes in respect of the software underlying the infrastructure and processes associated with the Daman Site; or

Copy, reproduce, alter, modify, create derivative works from, or publicly display, any part of any content from the Daman Site without Daman’s prior written permission. 

Third Party Providers to Daman

Parts of the Daman Site, including the provision of payment processing or other services offered via the Daman Site, may be outsourced to third party providers. These Terms apply to any outsourced services, unless you are otherwise notified of any alternate terms of use. 

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